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Links to Other Kitty Sites
Kritters in the Mailbox
- Cat figurines deliverable to your mailbox.
The Cat-Tea Corner
A great site that combines two of my favourite things.
The Cats House
This is one of the best cat sites I have ever found.
Cats (and People) Who Quilt
Amazing cat quilts
Internet for Cats
Meet other peoples' cats
WWW Cat Map
See cats from all over the world.
T-cats Home Page
The Chat for Cats and other fine feline services.Kliban cats

Ariel & Chelsea's Kitty Condo

Running kitty

Meet My Kitties, Ariel (bottom) and Chelsea (top)

Ariel & Chelsea in their kitty condo


Ariel perched on the tellyI got Ariel when she was all of four weeks old, a tiny fuzzy creature that fit in the palm of my hand. I took her in when she was too young to be weaned. She had to be fed with an eye-dropper then. By the time she was nine or ten weeks she had more than tripled her size.

Now she is the evilest kitty but such a lover kitty, too. She wants to be fed before 1700 and will stop at nothing to get me to do so. Once fed, though, she is a sweet fuzzy baby and wants to curl up on my lap. She used to never be a lap cat but she has become one over the years!


Chelsea posingMeet Chelsea, an American short-hair tabby. She is only weeks younger than Ariel, with a beautiful tortoiseshell tabby coat and tawny eyes. She is almost twice Ariel's weight, although we are working on that. Despite her size, she is referred to as the Chicken Kitty - she avoids strangers like the plague. She is learning to be less skittish, but she is still afraid of most people. She loves to eat but is not nearly as demanding as Ariel.

Chelsea came to us about three months later, at the ripe old age of nine or ten weeks. I got Chelsea to be Ariel's playmate and companion, and although that first night was really long, it worked. Ariel stopped torturing me to play with Chelsea.

Cats I Had Previously

Pussums & JohnnyWhen I was about nine or ten my allergies let up enough for us to get a cat. We got Puss-Puss (or Pussums) when she was about a year old. When I was eleven we got Johnny Walker Red (Ma's choice of a name) whom I called Puttens, a little marmalade tabby cat with a great sense of fun. He was a lover-kitty, while Pussums was a bit more distant. Now that I think about it, my current kitties mirror them quite a bit.

Fuji sleeping with me (age 10)

Fuji was my grandparents' Siamese cat. She was not a lover-kitty, but she had been tolerating me since I was a baby. She used to have these amazing spurts of energy and she would tear through the long hallway in my grandparents' house. She was really Pop-Pop's cat. She lived to be about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Updated 09 April 2002 by the fur-covered Aislínge.